Well we've settled back into being back home again, though it has taken us a few days to acclimatise ourselves to the change of smells, space and sounds.
Our stay at Claudia and Paul's was most agreeable, we were allowed to run around all over the place and Paul made for a very engaging subject to interact with. It's very quiet here by comparison.
I'm sitting on the sofa at the moment, next to Helena. I'm just having a quick wash.
My sister is in the desk drawer again. There's a lot of rattling going on, can't imagine what she's up to. She's twice 'abducted' our wooden replicas from the desk top, but Helena's retrieved them each time. I wonder whether my sister's brooding. Think I'll just curl up and take a nap. It's lovely and snug here.
Ah, it appears some cables have been severed and a box has been shredded. Helena doesn't appear too put out.
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